Recently I was excited to receive a
Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 in the mail. I was hoping I'd be able to try it out because I was already planning to purchase one and I'm a webcam virgin. I had no idea what type to buy or even how to use one. (Pathetic, I know!)

With a husband who is deploying to Iraq and 6 children at home who miss him almost as much as I do, the webcam is a huge blessing. We can see each other and talk even though we're thousands of miles apart. Technology is amazing!
Because this is my first webcam experience, I'll admit I don't know much about the specifications of the camera. What I do know is that there is a 2MP autofocus lens and the video and image quality is far better than I was expecting. The camera also has RightLight technology which basically means that if you're using the webcam in your basement at 11pm, you don't have to worry about poor image quality from the lack of light. The camera compensates accordingly and your videos still look good. In other words, it's EASY!
Please ignore the terribly unflattering still shot that appears below, and instead watch the video and see what I mean. This was my third time using the webcam and I had it installed and running within minutes. Logitech even includes free video software so I was able to make video calls instantly. Now, if I could just stop thinking about what a huge dork I am in videos...

If you're looking for a great webcam, this is it! It's high quality, easy to use, and includes everything you need to get started. The software installs quickly and gives you instant access to your videos, pictures, and the ability to make video calls. I was intimidated at first, but the
Logitech Pro 9000 webcam really has been a great way for me to plunge into the world of web video!
This was not a compensated post. I did receive the webcam for free.