Earth Mama Angel Baby makes products that you can really feel good about using, especially on a newborn's sensitive skin. EMAB makes products that are free of toxins and are created using pure, organic oils. In fact, if you read the label on any of their products you will be able to pronounce each ingredient name because there are no strange chemicals or fragrances. In addition to being safe for us, their products are also not tested on animals. Every single product from EMAB has tested at a level zero for toxins on the Skin Deep Database.
All safety and eco-consciousness aside, Earth Mama Angel Baby makes products that are delightful to use. The Angel Baby Bottom Balm is safe to use with cloth diapers and I have never seen any rash cream do a better job of clearing up whatever rash or boo-boo that my children could get. The Angel Baby Lotion smells heavenly and leaves skin buttery soft. EMAB's pregnancy teas are delicious and work wonders to soothe morning sickness. I'd tell you how well their New Mama Bottom Spray works on postpartum hemorrhoids, but that is just TMI.
I have personally used almost every product that Earth Mama Angel Baby makes, and have used many of their products with my doula clients as well. I can not say enough wonderful things about these products or this company. I'm in love.
A few years ago I contacted Melinda, the Mama behind Earth Mama Angel Baby. I approached her about EMAB supporting ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) through advertising for an upcoming conference. I was amazed by her generosity when she not only offered to support ICAN's conference, but also offered to donate a portion of the proceeds from every C-Section Healing Kit to ICAN. Earth Mama Angel Baby is a company that cares deeply about mothers and babies.

Would you like to try a bottle of Happy Mama Body Wash? Leave a comment here telling me why you'd love to try a product from Earth Mama Angel Baby and I'll draw a winner at random on November 20, 2010. For one additional entry, tweet or blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post and leave me a comment to let me know.