Until recently, I had never heard of
BOZ. BOZ is "The Green Bear Next Door" and he's actually pretty cute, or at least my kids think so! He's the star of his own DVD series for preschoolers.
BOZ teaches early educational concepts to young children while also upholding the morals and family values that parents want their children to learn. BOZ is a faith-based program and is perfect for Christian parents who want to provide their children with wholesome entertainment.
My kids love Veggie Tales and BOZ is very similar, with fun characters, sing-a-long songs, and exciting stories. BOZ and his family (including 4-year old twins- how perfect is that for our house?) are sure to capture the hearts and minds of preschoolers everywhere.

Right now, my children are especially delighted with the BOZ Christmas special, "A Wowie BOZowee Christmas." This DVD reminds children that God's gift to us was Jesus, at Christmastime and all year long. There are special bonuses on this DVD, such as a "Build Your Own Snowman" game that my kids absolutely love!

If you visit the BOZ website you can find many great resources for parents. There are fun games and activities for children and links to support for parents (such as
MOPS.) There are even resources for community and church groups as well. The website is easy to navigate and the
online shop carries all of the BOZ DVDs, CDs, books, toys, and more.
My only complaint is that the voice of BOZ is eerily similar to Barney, the obnoxiously nice purple dinosaur. (Could it be because the producers of Barney are also the producers of BOZ?) I can easily look past this when I see my children enjoying the BOZ DVDs and singing along with the catchy tunes. I love knowing that my kids are watching shows that uphold our Christian beliefs.
Take a look around the
BOZ website and introduce your kids to the green bear next door!
This is not a compensated review but our family did receive 2 BOZ DVDs from MomSelect.